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3 Lessons I Learnt Last Weekend

Writer's picture: Tejaswita JoshiTejaswita Joshi

Updated: Apr 2, 2023

Two weeks ago, I got myself a Royal Enfield Himalayan. It was like a dream come true. Why do I like riding a bike? It's a post for another day.

I consider myself an average rider. I can ride on the highway, in heavy traffic, and mainly on flat surfaces. However, what I haven't done before is take the motorbike uphill. You can ride RE Himalayan in any terrain, and I couldn't wait to explore the possibility of going on top of a mountain on my new motorbike. So, last weekend, I ventured with RE Himalayan and this time, I decided to go uphill.

I managed to take the motorbike to the top until the second to last turn. What unfolds after is sheer stupidity.

Due to my inexperience, I crashed just on the second last turn. Why? Because I wasn't fast enough to change the gear to the lower gear when it got steep and the motorbike started stalling.

When I rested my feet on the ground to get some support, my ankle twisted, and we hit the floor. The motorbike, my son and, yours truly - we bit the dust!

After that, a lot of people came around to help me. A few minutes later, they went to go and do their thing. I was there with a kid, a motorbike, and a twisted ankle on top of the mountain. What do I do? How do I go back down? I lost all the confidence to take the motorbike downhill. Moreover, my ankle was killing me, so how would I shift the gears? I didn't have a plan.

If you ever get yourself a bike, these are things you should remember before venturing out.


It's been two weeks since I bought the Himalayan. The most important lesson that I realised is DO NOT venture out on your bike without proper safety gear.

With safety gears, I mean a HELMET to cover your entire face, a jacket, Motorcycling Gloves, thick pants, and most importantly, proper shoes.

Everything that you see in this picture is a big NO-NO!

Also THIS. Sports Shoes are a big NO-NO as well.


If you want to do anything stupid, please make sure that you search for videos on YouTube of people who've done it before. Most likely, you will find someone who's recorded their stupidity for you to learn from their mistakes.

On my way back home after the crash, I kept asking myself, "Why didn't you search it on YouTube last night?"

I've resolved that I will watch videos from the topics ranging from "How to fix a motorcycle puncture?" to "How to fix your motorcycle brakes?"

Yeah, if that ever happens, I'm just going to call the Road Side Assistance guys!


I cannot stress this enough!

Your kid carry the same genes as yours. I think mine have all the crazy genes from me. But come on, you have to be a responsible parent sometimes!

You cannot take them out on a motorcycle ride, of which you have zero experience. In fact, please DO NOT take them anywhere ALONE! You will regret it!

Fortunately, we both are safe. Although I have a twisted ankle, my son escaped the crash unharmed. But I do realise that it could've been worse.

No matter how much they cry when they see you leaving on a bike ride. You have to be STRONG and say NO!

In my house, it's the other way around. My kids tell me, "Mom, STOP! You're going to get hurt!"

To continue with the story, how did I get back home?

I took help from a construction site worker. I asked him to drop me off until the point where the flat surface starts. All three of us came downhill on my motorbike.

I had a painful ride back, but we made it home safely!

This is me at the moment. Doing the "Pushpa - Srivalli" trend out of compulsion.

This has messed up my routine big time as my movement is restricted. But look at the good side. I get much more time to finish my book and watch YouTube videos on "How to ride a motorbike uphill?".

I am signing off for now, until my next adventure.

P.S Any parenting advice and lessons are most unwelcome!

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